TERMS: Our terms are strictly cash with order. Make checks or money orders payable to: HENRY LEUTHARDT NURSERIES. INC. Prices subject to change

New York State Residents:
Please add your appropriate sales tax on plants, packing, and shipping charges. If your county or city has no sales tax, just add the 4% New York State Tax.

Methods and Terms of Shipment:
Shipments become the property of the purchaser when received by the carrier, and we shall not be responsible for any damage while in transit. We are willing at all times to help you establish any claim on such damage. Shipping and handling costs must be paid in advance with order.

BELGIAN FENCE & SINGLE VERTICAL CORDON orders - Shipped via US Post Office Priority (First Class) Mail and insured (for damage or loss during shipment.) add 30% to total order (minimum charge is $40.00 except to AL, AK, FL, GA, LA, MS, and states west of the Mississippi River. Please see bottom of order form,) plus $4.00 for handling and insurance.

ALL OTHER ESPALIERS - Shipped via motor (truck) freight, prepaid or collect. Please call us for packing and approximate shipping charges at 631-878-1387.

ALL OTHER STOCK - Also shipped via the Post Office or Fedex as above. Please call for Estimate.


We guarantee all nursery stock sold by us to be true to name, free from insect pests, or plant disease. Our hardy, northern grown stock is of first quality and, under normal conditions, will grow where other fruit trees thrive.

After 10 days from receipt of order it is mutually understood that the nursery stock is satisfactory.

However, any complaint about failure to start growth must be made in writing, within 6 months from date of shipment, and we will replace nursery stock at half price, plus shipping expenses.

"Please Note: Prices are subject to change."